Lessons Between the Lines – #13


Gather ’round, because we’re diving into a topic that’s a game-changer in life – Relationships.
Let me tell you straight up: the way you treat others and the effort you invest in your relationships is 100% in your control.

First things first: relationships are the currency of life. They’re the connections that shape our experiences, that create the memories that define us. And guess what? You’re the one in the driver’s seat, steering those relationships toward greatness.

Let’s talk effort. You can’t expect a garden to grow if you never plant the seeds! The same goes for relationships. You’ve got to put in the work, the time, and care. It’s about showing up, being present, and making the effort to be there for the people who matter. To be the best version of yourself, serving others to be their best version. Remember we discussed creating a “Winning Culture”? Winners want to be around other winners because it is infectious. When you and everyone around you is winning, that is an unstoppable force!

And let’s not forget about respect. How you treat others says a hell of a lot about you. Are you treating people like stepping stones, being toxic and cutting others down or are you lifting them up, inspiring them to be better? It’s your call, and it’s a decision that speaks volumes about your character. Remember whether you believe it or not,  you are being watched by haters and those who look up and admire what you do. 

Here’s the truth: relationships are a reflection of you. How you interact with others, the kindness you show, the time you invest – it all adds up to the legacy you’re building. Are you gonna be remembered as someone who lifted others up, who brought joy and positivity wherever they went? Or are you gonna be just another face in the crowd?

You see, relationships are an investment. They’re not something you can just set and forget. They can be but…you won’t get any return on the investment. They are going to be the ones who have your back when you are knocked down and struggling to get back up.  The best relationships require consistent effort, understanding, and a whole lot of heart. Value is created when you are putting good into your relationships, it’s mutually beneficial.
And let’s not kid ourselves – there will be challenges and disagreements, but how you navigate those hardships defines the strength of your relationships. As we grow, failure is inevitable. Maybe you were terminated from work? Perhaps you find out that you ate getting divorced. Hardships are going to come at you while you are on this path. But, the relationships you have established with quality people are going to be there to help encourage you to keep fighting, keep pushing, and keep improving. 

So, what’s it gonna be? Are you gonna take the easy way out, leaving your relationships to stagnate? Or are you gonna step up, take control, and build the kind of connections with people that leave a legacy? Remember, for you to make an impact in your home, your neighborhood, school, community, and globally plant good seeds, think not only of yourself, nurture and water those relationships and you will never lose. 

Remember this: the way you treat others is a direct reflection of the person you are. Your relationships are the canvas on which you paint your story. This is your life, your relationships, your time to rise and win!

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